Sunday, April 7, 2013

Failed Miserably...

I thought MAYBE a fresh start would allow me to keep up with a blog. WRONG! Still being a "fart in a windstorm" as my Grandma would say.
The craft du jour seems to be spinning. Allow me to share the fruits of my labor.

I participated in a challenge where you had to take an inspiration picture:

Then dye fiber:

Turn said fiber into batts or rolags:

Spin your singles:

Then ply your singles (I used n-ply):

Then finally admire your hard work:

The color is a bit washed out on the final yarn shot. The singles/ply is the true color.
I got worsted weight and about 265 yards out of 5 oz. of fiber.
Not sure what I'm going to do with it, but scarf seems to come to mind.

In the meantime, I got some roving from Fat Cat Knits called "The Sky's the Limit". I had 2 braids that were just a little bit different.

I spun each separately, then I'm going to spin a solid roving (one terra cotta - one dark Prussian blue) to have two distinct yarns. Can you say two-color shawl?!!?
Need to get better at keeping up. If work (and life) would just mellow out for a bit...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Busy (but non-productive) weekend.

This is the reason for the busy (but non-productive) weekend. It seems that while I managed to raise three children to adulthood without killing a single one of them, I have forgotten how much work and how much energy is needed to care for a one-year-old. This is one pooped Grandma. I had to go back to work today just to get a rest! Been in a knitting mood. My poor spinning wheel is lying silent and still and my sewing machine has a half inch of dust on it. Will have to kick myself into gear soon.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Virgin Posting

Like so many others, I have started blogs with good intentions. I knit, I spin, I dye, I sew, I quilt, I make cloth dolls - with absolutely NO focus on any one craft. I'm starting THIS blog in the hopes that if I have only ONE place to post - I may finally get around to sharing some things with you. Let's see how it goes!