Monday, January 28, 2013

Busy (but non-productive) weekend.

This is the reason for the busy (but non-productive) weekend. It seems that while I managed to raise three children to adulthood without killing a single one of them, I have forgotten how much work and how much energy is needed to care for a one-year-old. This is one pooped Grandma. I had to go back to work today just to get a rest! Been in a knitting mood. My poor spinning wheel is lying silent and still and my sewing machine has a half inch of dust on it. Will have to kick myself into gear soon.

1 comment:

  1. Ah...He is a sweetie! I have a 2 1/2 year old grandson and I know what you mean about being 'pooped' as a Nana!
    Teresa on 'the trodden path'
    I befriended you there.
