Artistic Figures in Cloth and Clay (AFICC) has come and gone for 2015. Oh, how I look forward to this retreat. Retreat? More like classes, fun, shopping and a bit of madness. Once every 2 years just isn't enough (except for my bank account).
I had a doll in the Doll Street display at the conference. The theme was "Traveler" and the timing on my latest workshop (with Cindee Moyer no less) was perfect.
You see, my Mom was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 42. She was still good into her early 50's, but then the disease started to take its toll. She gradually lost her mobility until she could only get around with a sit-down walker or wheelchair. Since she was unable to travel any longer, she began to read. That became her way to "travel" - through books.
I present "The Armchair Traveler":
I also made a Candle Fae - he's ADORABLE and was so much fun to make:
Here's his backside (note the Plumber's Cleavage!)
I'm already saving my pennies for 2017. It can't get here quick enough!
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