Thursday, December 31, 2015

From the Other Side

So much has happened in the last few months. I feel like I've neglected this poor blog. Here's the run down:
1. Applied for a new job - a GREAT job. I thought "no way would they hire someone my age, but what the heck". I GOT THE JOB!
2. Problem was, job was in a new city 2 hours away.
3. City was where son, DIL and grandkids live!
4. Had to find new house.
5. Found house - got a bargain. Ever see the Money Pit? We FOUND IT!
It's been three months now and most of what I have is still in boxes. Boxes, boxes everywhere. At least it makes you realize just how much STUFF you have!
I'm trying to clean as I go (I thought I did that on the other end, but I guess not).
Here is the creative space as it stands today. I'm putting it out there so MAYBE it will force me to do something about it.
Praying that 2016 is a most awesome year. I think everyone needs it!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

He Has a NAME!

It's ARTY! Short for Artemis (or Artemis Prime as the geeks in the house like to call him). They are so much fun and just SO healthy! They've been to the vet and had their first shots (I couldn't bear to watch).

Back to playtime!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Driven to Distraction!

I should have been knitting or working on dolls this weekend. BUT NO! I was a bit distracted. Just a bit.
For two reasons.
Meet Mina:

And her brother (as yet unnamed, but the names Stinker or Ninja keep popping up):

They seem to think this green chair is their new playground. It belonged to my hubby's auntie who always had a kitty in her house. She would be so pleased!

Sorry - got to run. ;)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Plugging Along

This is really a fun knit! I love the way the shawl is knitting up. It's call "Nymphlidea" and it's actually a free pattern. Check out RAVELRY if you haven't already. Best.Site.Ever.
Shawl in progress:

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Craft du Jour

I seem to be waffling between knitting, spinning and fabric sculpting. The thing I love most about knitting is that it is portable. I can take it to work, to the doctor's office, on road trips - you get the picture. Plus by buying yarn at the Loopy Ewe and participating in their challenges, I can earn even MORE yarn! (Although the husbeast would not think that is a plus.)
Here are two works in progress:

Socks for moi:

This is yarn in a colorway I inspired! I love it!
Here is the inspiration picture:

And a challenge shawl in progress:

May all your challenges in life be FUN ones!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Yet another 5K - but I DID IT!
I ran it in under 40 minutes. Actually, I finished second (out of 9) in my age bracket. Not bad for an old bag!

Here's after the race:

And here's how you celebrate:

Got two more to run in June - then taking a break for the summer. I don't mind running in the cold, but I'll be darned if I'm running in the HEAT!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

OOPS - I did it AGAIN!

You think I would have learned the first time I ran a 5K. Old bodies and running don't always mix - but this was a fundraiser for the Louisville Zoo. I did it for the critters (at least that's what I was telling myself).
Danielle was kind enough to run with me. Sort of. Actually she ran way ahead of me, bettering her last time. That was quite a feat as the zoo had many hills. We are both sore. Not just sore, IN PAIN! Two days later and I'm still hobbling around like Yoda.
We won't discuss my time. I did not improve. Big bummer.
BUT it was fun!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015


It's taken me a few days to bring myself to write this blog post. I promised myself I wouldn't cry as I write it.
Somewhere along the line I've earned the reputation as the crazy cat lady. Maybe it's because at any one given time, we've had as few as 3 and as many as 6 resident felines. To say WE have cats is not quite true - they have US!

Every once in awhile, a very, very special kitty comes along. That was April. She was a rescue who came into our lives shortly after we lost Christy (our 3 year old grey tabby) to cancer. We found a foster Mom who had a litter of kittens. Danielle (daughter) and I went to visit. April would NOT leave Danielle alone - she was climbing up her back, sitting on her shoulder and nibbling her ear. Headbonks seemed to be on the menu - not only that day, but every day!

Her sister on the other hand, came over to me and barfed at my feet. The foster Mom's daughter immediately yelled "Mom, the black cat threw up again". Great - she's going to make a lovely pet.

Needless to say when it came time to place the kittens for adoption - April came home with us to join big sister Tessa. When Mary (the foster Mom) called me to see how April was doing, she told me the black cat couldn't be placed. The lady that said she wanted her backed out. Seems like black cats are hard to place. Yep - we got Sootz (aka Puke-a-hontas). She still pukes regularly.

April and Sootz have been part of the family for 15 years now!

April was Danielle's study buddy - through junior high, high school and into university. When Danielle moved to Japan in 2010, April moped for weeks. When Danielle came home to visit, April ignored her for several days. She would sit in front of her and turn her back to Danielle (we called it getting the butt). However April soon made up with Danielle and would spend the rest of the time kneading biscuits on her arm and mashing her head into Danielle's.

When Danielle returned from Japan and moved back into the house to work on her Master's degree, April was in heaven! Her human was HOME again! Danielle could NOT study unless April was perched on the couch behind her looking over her shoulder. Every student needs a tutor!

Starting in January, April began losing weight. Took her to the vet for a check up. She was about 10 pounds, down from her normal 12 pounds. Blood was drawn. "Oh, it's just her thyroid. Many older cats suffer from hyperthyroid disease". Since we lost Tessa in 2012 when she had a bad reaction to the thyroid meds, I was reluctant to put April on them. "No worries", the vet said, "we now have food for hyperthyroid disease". In March, blood tests showed the food was working. April's bloodwork was completely normal. Her weight was now 8.3 pounds. So why was she still losing weight? She began to cry when using the litter box and after eating.

This time we took an x-ray. The vet said her bowels were enlarged, but not to worry - it was just constipation. Many older cats suffer from that as well as Inflammatory Bowel Disease. We were sent home with Laxanip (catnip flavored laxative) and prednisone for inflammation.

The crying continued.

Back to the vet the following week. This time April was given an enema. She passed quite a bit of stool. She got a shot for pain and inflammation.

The crying continued.

Back to the vet the following week. Her weight was now 7.3 pounds.

Alarmed, the vet called in a diagnostic specialist. He showed up one sunny morning, ultrasound in tow. April was quite docile, almost calm. They shaved her belly and the test began.

I work in healthcare, but I'm not clinical. I know just enough to be dangerous. I knew what I saw on the screen. The diagnostic vet used words like neoplasia and lymphoma, but they both mean the same thing.

CANCER. It was everywhere.

April did not last much longer. She couldn't swallow! That's why she was crying at the food dish. She became weaker and weaker. Couldn't walk or lift her head. I called the vet, who came to our house. We decided to let April go rather than see her continue to suffer.

To say our lives a bit emptier now is an understatement. Sootz, who we swore couldn't stand her sister, has been walking April's favorite places calling to her. I am unable to comfort my daughter (or myself) so I am lost as to how to comfort Sootz.

Please if you have a fur baby who begins to lose weight and cry, and the vet suggests it is thyroid disease, PLEASE make sure you check EVERYTHING out. If you cannot afford the ultrasound - see if there is a vet school or an organization that will get one for you at low or no cost. I hope that maybe someone will be spared our pain by reading this.

Here is our beautiful April when she was healthy:

And here is Sootz, after spending over an hour looking for her sister last night:

Fly free, April! At least you won't be in pain anymore!! WE LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

And a Good Time was had by ALL!

Artistic Figures in Cloth and Clay (AFICC) has come and gone for 2015. Oh, how I look forward to this retreat. Retreat? More like classes, fun, shopping and a bit of madness. Once every 2 years just isn't enough (except for my bank account).
I had a doll in the Doll Street display at the conference. The theme was "Traveler" and the timing on my latest workshop (with Cindee Moyer no less) was perfect.
You see, my Mom was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 42. She was still good into her early 50's, but then the disease started to take its toll. She gradually lost her mobility until she could only get around with a sit-down walker or wheelchair. Since she was unable to travel any longer, she began to read. That became her way to "travel" - through books.
I present "The Armchair Traveler":

I also made a Candle Fae - he's ADORABLE and was so much fun to make:

Here's his backside (note the Plumber's Cleavage!)

I'm already saving my pennies for 2017. It can't get here quick enough!

Saturday, March 7, 2015


I ran my first 5K today. At the tender age of 60.
Somehow in the back of my tiny little pea brain, I thought I could run this in under 40 minutes. I looked at the clock as I crossed the start line and looked at the clock as I crossed the finished line. By my calculations, I ran it in 39 minutes.
SIGH - unfortunately, the official time was 42.17. It showed I crossed the starting line at 8:06 instead of 8:09.
I still think I did it. At least I finished!!
Maybe next time.
OH - and the cowl kicks butt. Totally worth the time and yarn I put into it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Still Overwhelmed

Been knitting in between work and family commitments. For some reason, I hate this part of the year. The days are getting longer, so spring is "teasing" us with being just around the corner (never mind that damn ground hog - what I don't get is it's snowing like crazy in Pennsylvania that day, how did that rodent see his shadow?), there are robins everywhere in my neck of the woods - yet the temperatures are bloody freezing.
Still it is pretty in the woods.

I have two make that three sweaters on the needles. REALLY need to finish one before starting something else....oh, look - a squirrel!

Irish Red

In Stillness

And Trego

Sorry for the sideways pic, Blogger wasn't cooperating even tho the picture is right side up in my files.
Stay warm, all!